benefits of social media for your business

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All The Benefits Of Social Media For Your Business

Are you wondering who are the benefits of Social Media for your business and why you need social media exposure? We made sure to explain everything in this post.

On average, every single person spends more than 144 min scrolling and engaging on social media. 144 min is just an average number. Some people spend far more than that!  

Social media has expanded horizons from being a platform to introduce oneself to the world; it has become a global market.

So, let’s dive into all the benefits of social media you should know:

Table of Contents

Build Trust & Connections With Potential Customers

Online Connection Illustration
Building trust and connection with your audience comes on the very top of the – benefits of social media list.

Social Media Platforms are great for building connections with your audience- the potential customers. 

Regularly posting & sharing tips, advice is something that people love & appreciate.

If the content your share is super useful, helpful, and entertaining, then your audience will share it.

When your content is shared & people engage with you, Social Media Algorhytms will rank you higher in the search feed.

Social Media Platforms And Search Engines Share Their Data

Website Analytics Monitor Illustration

Have you noticed that 95 % of people or businesses that are successful on social media have a lot of SEO website visitors to their pages every single month?

Well, that’s a fact. 

Having success on social media is an indicator for the biggest search engine – Google, that you are doing something right so Google will give you a ranking boost as well.

The same goes for Pinterest, that’s something in between a social media platform and a visual search engine.

Disclaimer: besides the instant boost from Google, you must work on your SEO ( search engine optimization ) & optimize your website according to the SEO standards.

Competitive Advertising Opportunities

Online Advertising Illustration

Social Media Platforms are great for paid advertising to help you grow your business. 

For example, Facebook has 2.8 billion, Instagram 1 billion, and Pinterest 478 million users.

Woah, this is a huge number of people.

You can skyrocket your profit & be super successful running ad campaigns on these, mentioned above, social media platforms.

The pricing for the ad campaigns is competitive and the most amazing thing is that they give you an option to target your audience in detail & always remarket your services/products.

Please remember these two terms: detailed targeting & remarketing.

Build Brand Awareness

Brand awareness illustration, mobile with a pink check icon

The best, as well as a most convenient way to make your business stand out & be recognizable online, is through Social Media Platforms.

You can do this by being consistent & post custom branded content that represents you & the whole story of your business.

After all, people don’t buy goods or services, they buy brands – one of the most famous Neil Patel quotes. 

Analyze Your Performance : A/B testing

A/B Split Testing Illustration

You can analyze the performance of your posts super easily through the analytics section.  

As we always say, it’s 20% creating content & 80% analyzing & improving it. Gather Data From Audience Research To Improve

Drive Traffic From Your Social Media Platforms To Your Website

Website Traffic Users Illustration, website tab open with users

When people view your content & find it enjoyable, useful, helpful they will want to learn more about the content your posting. 

They will also want to find out more about the face behind the business they love to engage with on social media.

So, there you go, referral traffic from your social media platforms to your website

Build Backlinks Through Social Media

Building Backlinks Illustration

Backlinks help you increase the authority of your domain and they are one of Google’s major ranking factors. 

If the content you posted on social media gets a lot of attention, a lot of shares some people will most definitely get inspired to write a similar piece of content & then link back to you.

This is truly amazing & will bring you a lot of benefits in the long run.

Nothing comes overnight, be persistent.


We live in a digital era, in a world where social media and social media marketing are booming. People and businesses who are thriving for success in 2021 and the future years to come must understand the benefits of social media. Therefore posting consistently, sharing tips, ideas, being helpful & always connecting, building trust, analyzing & making your brand recognizable is what we all business owners need.
Remember that after all, people won’t buy a service they buy brands.

So go ahead to establish your social media as soon as possible. 

For any questions or guidance you may need, please schedule a FREE business strategy call, and we will be more than happy to share our advice with you. We are happy , that so far we were able to help more than 60 people:).


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