Email Marketing Tips to Improve Email Open Rates

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Email Marketing tips to help you increase your email open rates

If you are a business owner, you know that email marketing is the easiest and most cost-effective way to reach potential customers. However, not all emails are created equal. If your email open rates are low, then you might be missing out on some of the best opportunities for new sales. 

Thankfully, there’s no need for despair! In this post, we will discuss some simple tricks you can use and tips on how to increase your email open rates.

Table of Contents

Write an attractive subject line

The subject line is the first thing a reader sees in an email, so it’s crucial that you make it as attractive as possible. A good subject line should be sharp and catchy, but also relevant to the content of your email.

Give your email a catchy headline

A good email headline makes the reader want to read the rest of your email. It should be short, engaging, and relevant to the content of your email. The best headlines will make people want to click on them or copy/paste them into their reading list so they can come back later and read your whole message (this is what we call email open rates).

Email Headline

Optimize your pre-header text

Your pre-header text is the text that appears before the email content. It’s used to entice the reader to open your email. The pre-header can be as long or short as you want, but it should include a promise of something of value in exchange for opening your email (e.g., “Nine Ways You Can Save Money on Your Next Vacation”).

Email Pre-header

Keep your emails short and to the point

When it comes to email marketing, shorter is always better. The shorter your emails, the more likely readers are to read them. That’s because people are busy and have limited attention spans (especially in this era of constant connectivity).

You want your emails to be as concise as possible, so you can get right down to business while still providing enough information for readers to understand what they need—and how they can contact you if they have any questions or concerns.

The best way to keep your emails short and sweet is by using bulleted lists instead of paragraphs full of text. This format allows readers’ eyes to scan down a list much more quickly than if everything was written out in paragraphs/sentences (which most people tend not to do anyway).

Email Marketing

Sending emails at the right time

Sending emails at the right time is a crucial email marketing strategy that will help you increase your open rates. When you choose the wrong time to send your emails, they can end up in people’s spam folders or get lost in their inboxes—neither of which is good for business.

So how do you know when to send an email? It depends on several factors:

  • The type of product or service you offer
  • Your audience and their buying habits
  • Their location
Sending mails at the right time

Use automation tools

Automation tools are a great way to help you send more emails. With automation, you can set up an email campaign that sends out several emails at once.

A few examples of automation tools include:

  • MailChimp – This is one of the most popular marketing automation tools available on the market today. It has a free plan available and a paid plan that starts at $9/month.
  • Getresponse is another great tool for your email marketing campaigns. It’s easy to use and it’s got a ton of cool features that can help you create a compelling email that gets opened and read.

Send more than one email

The more emails you send, the greater your chances are of getting a click. Send more than one email, but not too many. Stick to sending a series that contains at least three messages and doesn’t exceed seven or eight.

This will keep your subscribers engaged with what you have to say. It also allows them time to digest each message before moving on to the next one in the sequence. This allows them time for reflection and helps ensure that they’re engaging with every single message in the series instead of just skimming through them all too quickly or missing what was said because they were distracted by something else going on in their lives at that moment (or even worse—they deleted it!).

If you follow these tips, then your email open rates will increase dramatically!

Mail inbox

Use a personal approach

With a personal approach, your emails will stand out in the inbox of your customers. The more you can make your email feel like it’s coming from a friend, the better.

Here are some tips for using a personal approach:

  • Use their first name rather than “Dear Customer,” “Dear User” or something generic like that. This makes it easier to read and more likely they’ll respond when asked to do so in future emails.
  • Tell them about your products and services whenever possible – this helps build trust with the customer by letting them know what you offer them (not just what they have bought). For example: “We have added some new items to our store!” or “We’ve got 15% off for Black Friday!”
  • Be friendly! Use exclamation points sparingly but not too sparingly; don’t go overboard on exclamation points! It’s better if the reader feels like he knows you personally instead of being bombarded by endless streams of exclamation points that make reading seem less personal than it should be.

Offer an incentive for signing up

One of the best ways to increase email open rates is by offering an incentive for signing up.

To make sure your incentive is relevant and valuable, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do they want?
  • How can you help them achieve their goals?
  • What makes their life easier or more enjoyable?

The answers to these questions will help you determine what type of incentive would be most likely to catch their attention. At the very least, providing a free trial (or another free service) will give them a taste of what you have to offer and show that you value their time by offering something in exchange for it.


Make sure your emails are mobile friendly

When it comes to open rates and conversions, mobile friendliness is crucial. You want your emails to be easily accessible on any device, so make sure they’re responsive and easy to navigate on any screen size.

Responsive design

Include a call to action in your email

A call-to-action is an instruction that asks your reader to take a specific action. For example, you can ask them to subscribe or download an eBook.

The real value of a call-to-action is that it increases the likelihood of the reader doing what you want them to do. In other words, if there’s no call-to-action in your email then people might just read through without clicking or doing anything else.

Your call to action should be clear and obvious for anyone who reads it—but also not overly aggressive or pushy.

CTA Button

Social media links

  • Include links to your social media profiles.
  • Make sure the links work.
  • Make sure they aren’t too spammy or overly sales-y, but also don’t be afraid that they will scare off readers if they are genuine and relevant.
  • Don’t make them so long that people won’t bother clicking through!
Social Links

Test your emails before you send them to customers

Before you send any email, make sure it’s readable by testing it on a mobile device. Your customers are more likely to open and read your emails if they are short and don’t include too many images or links. 

Another way to increase your email open rates is to make sure your call-to-action (CTA) is clear and specific.

Finally, including social media links in your emails allows people who have never heard of you before (and even those who have) new opportunities for engagement through Facebook shares and Twitter retweets.


We hope these email marketing tips will help you increase your email open rates. The key takeaway is that your emails should be the best way to engage with your audience and build a relationship with them. 


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